Appearance : Granule and Powder
Grade : Industrial
Urea is an organic and synthetic compound.
Urea is white crystalline substance This open-chain compound is planar in crystal structure. It is always in high demand due to its nitrogenous properties and Iran is one of the largest manufacturers. It can be found as granule, balls, crystals and solutions. It is one of the highest nitrogen content fertilizers with the low-cost shipment. the highest percentage of urea (90%) is used for fertilizer production. It is soluble in water and a base for production of Resins and Formaldehyde. It is also utilized in production of natural gas. urea with the same cost of natural gas production. Since urea is mostly derived from ammonia, the plants must be located adjacent to ammonia production factories
It can be derived from reaction of primary and secondary amines and isocyanate.
It was extracted first in 1727 from urine by a chemist. He discovered white crystalline substance which is similar to synthetic urea from urine. Synthetic urea is produced by reaction of synthetic ammonium with carbon dioxide. It can be found as solid or liquid form. Urea is always in high demand and the production rate is increasing worldwide.
It can highly be used in production of explosive materials.
It is also applied in production of nitrogenous compounds. This compound can be used in oil and gas extraction and drilling process as an additory to enhance extraction liquid properties. This liquid can enhance anti-corrosion properties of equipment and pipes.
It can be used in plastic industries as an additory for developing plastic resistance and its properties.
This product has diverse usage ranging from :
Skin moisturizer and exfoliator, cleansing factor in hair shampoo, lotions and
other cosmetic products.
Urea can be used as a raw substance in synthesizing some main types of human and veterinary drugs compounds
This liquid can be used in laboratory techniques for qualification control such as chromatography.
Pharmaceuticals and laboratory industries.
Urea can be utilized in rubber industries for improving rubber life and its mechanical properties in combination with polymers.
It is of high importance in high-quality rubber production .
Urea can be used in detergent formula as an anti-bacterial and moisturizing factor.
In paint and resin industries it can be used as a supplement to enhance paint properties and viscosity
It can be applied in production of different kinds of paints and glues.
In Food Industry Urea can be used as an regulator to improve texture and quality of is also used in some food additives to supply nutrients as protein and nitrogen.
It can preserve moisture in packaging and avoid dryness.
It is widely used in fertilizers production. Ranging from rice fertilizer to livestock food supplement also in herbicides and insecticides.
It is one of the most widely used in chemical fertilize to supply nitrogen for plants fungicides and pesticides.
It can be also used in paper production, additives for improving taste of cigarette and other chemical products
Skin contact may cause an irritation.